Friday, April 16, 2010

Freakin' Friday and Oatmeal Cookies

Okay, so contracts are signed and I've told everyone and been congratulated and now everything is back to normal, kind of. I'm busy working on my second Pirate Story which is due in mid May. It's going well and I really like it but am having to fight those doldrums that side track my best intentions. This is the reality of writing. Those moments when the words come and you can barely keep up with getting them on the page and those days when you tell yourself it's going to be a good day and it's not. You have to push yourself to keep going. Sometimes, that's the only thing you can do, sometimes, you have to give it up and paint a picture, because your creative outlet is bent that way at the moment.

Tomorrow we will be going to a funeral, going to a Bridal Shower and going out to dinner with a good friend. I'm glad it ends on such a positive note. Certainly, the day will run the gamut of life, from that of a young bride to be, to death, that of a 95 year old woman who lived a full active life. I believe in a here after but still it's a downer. I guess I just have to find solace in today, Freakin' Friday when my family came and I got to kiss on little 18 month old Wednesday and 7 year old Christian. Christian is wearing glasses and has his two adult teeth in the front, which are a little bigger than the rest, so this beautiful golden child who has delighted my heart since I held him in my arms when he was just a few minutes old, suddenly looks like a more grown up little boy, a brainiac, a complete person in his own right. Then there's Wednesday, who doesn't know she's still a baby. Her face is bruised and scratched because she fell down the porch steps at her house, but there's that great big Irish grin of hers as she runs off to drive her little car or chase the cats.

Yeah, I can handle tomorrow because I'll remember today and the people I love and accept that I'm caught somewhere in that loop of life and death and I'd better enjoy every moment of it, because it goes way too fast. So I'll munch another fresh-baked loaded oatmeal cookie and contemplate getting back to my French heroine who has fallen smack in love with a handsome Pirate captain. Freakin' Fridays are not bad after all.

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